Renowned evangelist Pastor Josh Chiong in Kigali

A renowned international evangelist, Pastor Josh Chiong, Thursday jetted in Kigali for a three-day crusade and a conference.

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Pastor Josh Chiong

A renowned international evangelist, Pastor Josh Chiong, Thursday jetted in Kigali for a three-day crusade and a conference.

At Kigali international airport, he was received by religious officials before he headed to the crusade’s venue in Kamonyi, Southern Province.

The California based Chinese Pastor, who has a doctorate in divinity said that many people lack information and should read more on "our creator.”

"I am here to preach to you the word of God. Christians seem to know little about our Lord and we have a duty to tell them more about our caring God,” Pastor Chiong said shortly after his arrival.

"The main purpose of my visit is to teach the God of love and mercy through Jesus Christ,” he emphasized.

Thursday’s visit marks his second trip to Rwanda. He promised to start a project meant to help orphans to access education.

Pastor Alfred Gatabazi, head of the House of the people of God ministry said that Pastor Chiong’s teaching will heal many hearts and bring back those who had deserted God.

Pastor Josh Chiong visited Gisozi memorial site where he castigated the perpetrators of the 1994 Genocide.

"What caused such a calamity is that fact that many people know about religion but not the meaning of God. The Lord tells us to love each other but not kill fellow human beings,” the Pastor said.
