NURC coordinators submit election observation reports

GASABO - National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC) coordinators met Thursday Hotel La Palisse, Nyandungu to submit their reports on their observations of the just concluded elections.

Saturday, October 18, 2008
NURC Executive Secretary, Fatuma Ndangiza addresses NURC Cordinators on Thursday ( Photo / G.Barya)

GASABO - National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC) coordinators met Thursday Hotel La Palisse, Nyandungu to submit their reports on their observations of the just concluded elections.

The meeting included the commission’s coordinators from all parts of the country and leaders of Unity clubs in Universities who had worked as electoral observers.

According to a summary report seen by The New Times, one of the commission’s role in the just concluded elections was to monitor and prevent anything that could bring divisionism among the Rwandans.

Just like many other local and international observers, the NURC coordinators’ reports indicated that the elections went well in all parts of the country save for a few anomalies here and there.

"The reason for us meeting here was primarily to hear from our coordinators who helped us in all districts of the country to monitor the elections and also to divert any possible tendencies of the Genocide ideology during the period of elections and to rejoice together for a job well done; because like you heard, elections around the country went well with an over 90 percent voter turn up all over the country,” said Fatuma Ndanginza, NURC Executive Secretary.

Asked if there were any registered anomalies in the election process, Fatuma cited some religions such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Eastern Province which thought that participating in the electoral process was not in line with their beliefs and also some political parties such as the Socio-Democratic Party (PSD) and the Liberal Party (PL) which carried on with their campaigns on election day.

She, however, added that these problems were on a small scale and that the religious groups after being sensitized on the importance of elections and being warned of the hand of the law complied and took part.

One of the coordinators from Gatsibo district, Rose Nyirasangwa Mutangana, while talking to The New Times said that all went well in the district.

She, however, called upon the NURC to always try and get them all the needed equipment early enough for the smooth running of their work in future.

The Parliamentary elections were held from September 15 to18 , 2008.
