What a funny threat from Somali Islamists!

Dear editor,Somalia, a country that has been without a functioning government since President Mohammed Siad Barre was ousted in 1991, cannot threaten Kenya.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Dear editor,
Somalia, a country that has been without a functioning government since President Mohammed Siad Barre was ousted in 1991, cannot threaten Kenya.

I was extremely baffled when Somali Islamists said that they would attack Kenya if it goes ahead with plans to train government troops.

Their funny threat that they will order all holy warriors to start a jihad war inside Kenya is nothing but empty talk.

In fact, other countries should get more involved to bring back sanity to the troubled country.

The Islamists will continue being a destabilising force in their own country, killing its own people inside Somalia.

They should probably stop at that and not start dreaming of exporting their destabilising influences to other countries.