Rwandan peacekeepers in Darfur decorated

Rwandan police and military peacekeepers serving under the African Union – United Nations Hybrid Operations in Darfur (UNAMID) in El Fasher, Sudan, were on Monday, decorated with medals in recognition of their professionalism and gallant service in carrying out their duties of bringing peace and stability in Darfur.

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Rwandan police and military peacekeepers serving under the African Union – United Nations Hybrid Operations in Darfur (UNAMID) in El Fasher, Sudan, were on Monday, decorated with medals in recognition of their professionalism and gallant service in carrying out their duties of bringing peace and stability in Darfur.

Presiding over the event, the UNAMID Force Commander, Lt Gen Paul Ignace Mella thanked the Peacekeepers for honouring the mission mandate.

"UNAMID congratulates you; we appreciate so much the eleven months you have spent here. UNAMID leadership is proud of the performance you have exhibited while serving in this Mission, congratulations,” Mella said.

The acting UNAMID Police Commissioner, Dr Mutasem Almajali, commended the culture of Rwandan contingents, both Army and Police, of holding joint medal events which, he stressed was unique to only Rwandan Contingents in the Mission.

He appreciated contributions made by Rwanda to UN missions, notably female police officers.

The Chargé d’Affaires at the Rwandan Embassy in Sudan, Ismail Shyaka Kajugiro, told the decorated peacekeepers that "receiving your recognition today is because you have contributed to the United Nations’ overall efforts to bring peace and stability” to the world.

"We are certain that you will continue to work to ensure that stability and calm remain the norm in that area for which you are responsible.”

Kajugiro reaffirmed Rwanda’s commitment to regional cooperation and contribution to world peace engagements in ending conflicts.

The Sudanese minister for urbanisation and planning, Dr Mohammad Kamal, hailed the Rwandan peacekeepers for their teamwork spirit and the friendliness they created with Darfur communities.

The Contingent Commander of Rwandan Police peacekeepers, Chief Superintendent Felly Bahizi Rutagerura, thanked the UNAMID leadership for their support and guidance.

"We promise to continue to maintain the high standard that has come to be our distinguishing mark,” he stressed.

Since 2004, Rwandan peacekeepers have been serving the cause of peace in Darfur.

Recently, President Paul Kagame pledged a fully-fledged women Formed Police Unit that will be composed of 140 personnel, to UN peace mission.