Ugandan delegation lauds equal treatment of political parties

A visiting delegation from Uganda’s National Consultative Forum for Political Parties and Political Organisations (NCF) has commended Rwanda’s National Consultative Forum of Political Organisations (NFPO) for ensuring equal rights for all parties regardless of size.

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

A visiting delegation from Uganda’s National Consultative Forum for Political Parties and Political Organisations (NCF) has commended Rwanda’s National Consultative Forum of Political Organisations (NFPO) for ensuring equal rights for all parties regardless of size.

The delegation was yesterday visiting the offices of NFPO as part of their four day visit.

"We have many things in common as East Africans; that is why we need to share experiences to build cohesion among political parties to ensure we promote democracy,” said MP Fredrick Ruhindi, Uganda’s Attorney General and Chairman of the NCF, who headed the delegation.

He commended the way members of the forum in Rwanda share equally the government grant.

He said, "I have learned that all member parties of the forum share the grant from the government equally which is different back home.”

The delegation said it wanted to learn about the existing Rwandan political parties with regard to registration, operations, funding and their relationship with the government.

The forum is a platform for dialogue and exchange of ideas among political organisations on national issues.

Veneranda Nyirahirwa, the spokesperson for Rwanda’s NFPO, said exchanging experiences with other political party forums helps to improve members’ engagement in promoting democracy and good governance.

She said, "a political parties forum needs to learn from others to ensure that political parties are engaged in promoting democracy and good governance in the country.”

During the four days, the five member delegation is expected to meet government officials from different institutions, including the Ministry of Local Government, the National Electoral Commission (NEC), Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) among others.