Call for enhancement of TVET relevance

Technical and vocational training should equip learners with the relevant skills to create jobs. Albert Nsengiyumva, the Minister of State in charge of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), made the remarks on Saturday at the launch of the TVET Expo 2015 at Gikondo, Kigali.

Monday, October 05, 2015
Nicolas Kalisa, an exhibitor from Rwanda National Police (R) explains how a new machine operates to Narcisso Benedicto, the Angola minister for TVET (L) as Albert Nsengiyumva, the minister of state for TVET (2ndL) and Francois Kanimba, the trade and industry minister (2ndR) look on. (Teddy Kamanzi)

Technical and vocational training should equip learners with the relevant skills to create jobs.

Albert Nsengiyumva, the Minister of State in charge of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), made the remarks on Saturday at the launch of the TVET Expo 2015 at Gikondo, Kigali.

Albert Nsengiyumva, Minister of state for TVET(C) cutting the ribbon to open the TVET expo with Francois Kanimba the minister for trade and industry (R) and Narcisso Benedicto the minister for TVET in Angola.

He said, "I was impressed by innovations in irrigation, construction, energy…These sectors matter in development. Real technology is the one that helps people to live a better life, connecting skills with employment and the real life of people.”

Gérard Nkusi Mukubu, the chief advocacy at the Private Sector Federation (PSF) said TVETs are the fastest way to create more jobs and reduce unemployment rate.

An electronic voting machine invented by Anne Clair Ndizihiwe and her colleagues from Sinhgad Technical Education Society Rwanda.

He said, "as private employers, we have been facing challenges of getting competent workers but TVET creates more employment generating businesses as we now have competent workers. With competent workers at our disposal, we cannot hesitate to expand businesses to employ more; which would reduce unemployment.”

Students from Nyundo music school perform at the event.

The TVET expo scheduled to run from October 2 to 8 is part of the TVET week activities that started last Friday.

It is the 4th TVET expo to be organised by the Workforce Development Authority (WDA), with emphasis on exhibition of innovative products.

The expo is being organised under the slogan "TVET, my skills, my future.”

It is expected to bring together about 250 exhibitors, both local and international.

Participants follow proceedings.

Jacques Nshimiye, the director for expert motor vocational training centre (EMVTC) Remera, who is exhibiting car systems, said the best way to have competent workers in TVET is to help students practice what they learn in theories.

"We fabricate all the systems (operational wiring systems, operational charging system and wireless engine starting system). It enables our learners to have hands-on experience on the way systems are built. This way, skills are linked to employability as the learners are able to identify and solve any problem,” Nshimiye said.

Students from Nyundo music school perform at the event.

Anne Claire Ndizihiwe, a student at Sinhgad Technical Education Society Rwanda (STES Rwanda) whose group made an electronic voting machine said through TVET, Rwandans can go digital and save both time, energy and money.

The machine made of wood and a small display screen can facilitate inserting names of the candidates and their numbers. The voter presses the number corresponding to the candidate voted for while the machine sums up automatically the votes for every candidate.

Other activities to mark the TVET week include the ‘Africa ministerial conference on TVET’, bringing together Ministers in charge of Technical Vocational Education and Training.

Students from Nyundo music school entertain guests at the event. (All photos by Teddy Kamanzi)

The conference is being organised under the theme "Partnership for Youth employment through market relevant Skills.”

The ministers will discuss the quality and relevance of TVET in Rwanda and Africa as whole.

The other event scheduled is the symposium scheduled for October 6th to 7th.

It is expected to bring together local and international experts to discuss and share best practices in TVET from their respective countries.

The symposium will be guided by the theme "From experience to best practices.”