RDF Peacekeepers in Darfur decorated

Rwandan peacekeepers in Kabkabiya Sector North serving under the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation Darfur (UNAMID) were Tuesday decorated with medals in recognition of the professionalism and gallant service in carrying out their duties of bringing peace and stability in Darfur, according to a statement.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015
An RDF officer being decorated in Darfur yesterday.

Rwandan peacekeepers in Kabkabiya Sector North serving under the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation Darfur (UNAMID) were Tuesday decorated with medals in recognition of the professionalism and gallant service in carrying out their duties of bringing peace and stability in Darfur, according to a statement. 

Presiding over the event, the UNAMID Force Commander, Lt Gen Paul Ignace Mella thanked the peacekeepers for fulfilling their tasks in a professional way.

"You have made your country proud by upholding the commitment of your government to the joint effort of the AU and the UN in bringing peace and stability to Darfur”, he said.

"You are highly motivated uniformed personnel. With that good performance, you have every reason to be proud of your achievements and UNAMID is grateful and proud of you,” he added.

The Commissioner of Kabkabiya locality, Dr Adam Muhamed Adam Saleh, commended the good relationship the local community enjoyed with the Rwandan peacekeepers stating that they had always got medical treatment from the contingent.

"We are grateful for living with you and thank you for your support,” he said.
