Serial killers deserve death

Dear editor,Whenever I hear about serial killers, like the ones in Nyamabuye sector (former Gitarama) as mentioned in your paper, I wish we had death penalty.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dear editor,
Whenever I hear about serial killers, like the ones in Nyamabuye sector (former Gitarama) as mentioned in your paper, I wish we had death penalty.

Such people are not fit to live above the ground. Eliminating crime and criminals is our duty, and we cannot ignore it.

Getting the rightly accused to a just punishment is very important. Some criminals commit a crime because they have no other option to survive, but some do it for fun.

I do not advocate death penalty for everybody. A person, who stole bread from a grocery store, definitely does not deserve death penalty.

However, a serial killer, who kills people for fun or for his personal gain, definitely deserves death penalty.

One thing that makes me admire death penalty is that it serves as a deterrent and helps in reducing crime and assures safety of the society by eliminating criminals.