Why do people forget so easily?-ANC destroying itself

Dear editor,I learnt with disbelieve that the ex-premier of South Africa’s Gauteng province has resigned from the ruling African National Congress (ANC) to join those calling for a new party.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dear editor,
I learnt with disbelieve that the ex-premier of South Africa’s Gauteng province has resigned from the ruling African National Congress (ANC) to join those calling for a new party.

This is a political party that the old Mandela and others, who were marginalized under the apartheid regime, fought so hard to build.

It later defeated the apartheid regime and liberated millions of blacks in South Africa.

When I see people busy destroying it, I for sure, feel so disturbed. What the West says about Africans may be true.

Do we real care for our people? ANC is a great symbol uniting the blacks of South Africa.

It does not represent any of those trying to tear it in pieces. Let logic and care for the whole South Africans, be the prime objective of ANC.

Mandela, the hero and other retired comrades are being betrayed.