A journey with love and vision beyond sight

Editor, RE: “From Burundi with hope and love for the Rwandan girl” (The New Times, September 27, 2015).

Monday, September 28, 2015


RE: "From Burundi with hope and love for the Rwandan girl” (The New Times, September 27, 2015).

At the outset, please allow me to appreciate your newspaper for sharing with readers not just in the country, but from all over the world, through your e-edition, Erica Matasi’s commendable journey to Rwanda with love and vision beyond sight.

It is a common saying that "life is a challenge”. And so, it is.

There are, however, the likes of Erica Gateka Matasi and very many others who face much more than a normal share of challenges that is a part and parcel of life. What is incredible is how these young people cope up with the challenges they face with tenacity and determination. They do not just rely on self-pity, but pro-actively overcome whatever obstacles they are confronted with as part of their destiny.

Erica’s vision definitely goes far beyond sight and her initiative, "Speak Solutions for Girls’ Issues and Invest in her Potential”, which would roll out shortly, from 5 to 10 October and will culminate on October 11, on the UN International Day of the Girl Child, needs to be supported by one and all.

Clarence Fernandes Mumbai, India