Works on Kigali airport timely

Editor, RE: “Construction works on new Kigali airport taxiway start” (The New Times, September 22).

Monday, September 28, 2015


RE: "Construction works on new Kigali airport taxiway start” (The New Times, September 22).

This is great; much better business wise than building the new airport at Bugesera which would perhaps become a white elephant. Let’s milk the last Franc from Kigali International Airport.

When we reach the threshold figure of a million visitors using the airport annually, we can think of investing in a new airport and, trust me, if that figure is reached, we shall have no shortage of investors wishing to pour their money in such a viable project.

Having said or written that, kudos to CAA for all these rehabilitation and expansion works on the airports. Sky is the limit.
