Three drown in weekend accidents

Three people drowned in three separate water accidents in the country over the weekend, Police said. Saturday’s accidents took place in Bugesera, Rusizi and Rutsiro districts, Police said in a statement.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Three people drowned in three separate water accidents in the country over the weekend, Police said.

Saturday’s accidents took place in Bugesera, Rusizi and Rutsiro districts, Police said in a statement.

In Bugesera District, a 15-year old boy drowned in a water pool and died instantly in Mayange sector.

He was apparently swimming alone at the time of the incident.

‎The incident in Rusizi claimed life of a 48-year old woman identified as Aisha Mukamusoni while in Rutsiro the victim was identified as Theogene Uwiringiyimana, 20.

Mukamusoni is said to have drowned in Ruhwa stream as she swam her way back into Rwanda from Burundi, where she had gone to visit her relatives while Uwiringiyimana drowned as he was swimming in Lake Kivu.

Police blamed most drowning cases, among children to negligence of some parents and guardians, especially those residing near water bodies-who leave children to play in or around water sources.

According to Police, some children who have drowned in the recent past had either been left unattended at home or were not barred from playing in water bodies.

Cases of drowning have been reported in lakes, rivers, dams and wetlands in different parts of the country; majority of which involve children, according to Police.

"This was an unfortunate but preventable act, if the victim [child] was bared or more so accompanied, he probably would have been saved,” Police Marine Unit Commanding officer Superintendent of Police (SP) Alphonse Busingye, said of the deceased teen boy.

Busingye challenged parents, guardians and head teachers to always monitor movement of children and pupils to avoid such accidents.

On adults that drowned, Supt. Busingye urged the public to refrain from getting into water bodies if they don’t have swimming skills.

He also appealed to everyone to always call Police toll-free lines – 110 (maritime),111 (fire) and 112 (emergency), for immediate rescue.