Rwandan students to tour USA schools

Gatsibo- Students from Gabiro High School and many others from other secondary schools in Rwanda sponsored by Kittelson and Associates, will visit high schools in the United States of America during their vacations.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Gatsibo- Students from Gabiro High School and many others from other secondary schools in Rwanda sponsored by Kittelson and Associates, will visit high schools in the United States of America during their vacations.

This was revealed on Tuesday by the Principal of Kittelson and Associates, Wayne Kittelson, while visiting the sponsored students at Gabiro High School in Gatsibo District.

The donor told the students that they wanted them to be exposed and share experiences with other high schools in America.  

He said that after linking them to high school students in America, they will be inspired to work hard and prosper in their education and thereafter in their careers.

"We are going to be identifying those students who a have good command of the English language and we shall take some every semester for two weeks’ vacation in the USA.We want them to share their experience with the rest of the school when they come back,” Wayne said

The Director of the school, Shadrack Muhirwe, urged the students to use this chance to excel in their studies.

"You students are lucky to be cared for by these nice people from the USA and you should use this chance to do very well because they are watching your progress closely,” Muhirwe said. 

Kittelson and Associates is sponsoring a number of orphaned and vulnerable children from poor families and those whose families are affected by HIV/Aids in Rwanda.

Muhirwe expressed his gratitude to the sponsors and assured them that the school would do whatever it took to help the children acquire the best education.

"We are really grateful to the American community for the financial help and we shall do everything in our power to see that their assistance bears fruit,” he pledged.
