Banned brew worth Rwf4 million destroyed

About 4,640 litres of varied brands of illicit drinks, valued at Rwf4 million, seized in seperate Police operations in Bugesera District were destroyed on Wednesday, with a call on the public to stand up against illicit drugs blamed for fuelling crimes.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

About 4,640 litres of varied brands of illicit drinks, valued at Rwf4 million, seized in seperate Police operations in Bugesera District were destroyed on Wednesday, with a call on the public to stand up against illicit drugs blamed for fuelling crimes.

The destroyed illicit substances confiscated in the last one month include; 1,480 liters of a banned gin (Kanyanga), 4,160 litres varied brands of locally made illicit brew and 43 kilogrammes and 200 pellets of cannabis.

The exercise was witnessed by the district mayor, Louis Rwagaju along with the District Police Commander Superintendent of Police Darius Kalisa, among others.

It was also attended by area residents and students.

"The substances that we have destroyed today have the ability to affect someone’s health and can as well fuel crime which is a threat to national security,” Rwagaju told residents.

He encouraged them to always be on the lookout for anyone involved in manufacturing, distributing or consuming such substances, and inform police.

"People who invest in such a business are wasting their money because when these products are seized, they are destroyed and the culprits detained,” Kalisa said.