TVET exams kick off

National practical examinations kicked off today for Senior Six candidates in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) schools in the country.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

National practical examinations kicked off today for Senior Six candidates in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) schools in the country. A total of 22,966 candidates including 10,721 females (46.7 per cent) and 12,245 males (53.3 per cent) are sitting the exams from 162 TVET schools. This year’s senior six candidates increased by 7.8 per cent compared to the last year’s 21,305, according to the Workforce Development Authority (WDA). Exams are conducted at 109 centres across the country in 22 disciplines, including Accountancy, Agriculture, Electricity, Forestry, Hotel Operations and Tourism, among others. Launching the exercise at SoS Technical School in Kagugu, Gasabo District, Albert Nsengiyumva, the Minister of State in charge of TVET, urged technical schools to empower students with hands on skills and guide them all along the projects.