Man arrested over fake currency

Police in Kigali are holding a man from Remera Sector, Gasabo District, for allegedly using fake currency notes.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Police in Kigali are holding a man from Remera Sector, Gasabo District, for allegedly using fake currency notes.

Deodatus Mbarushimana is accused of using counterfeit money to con an MTN mobile money agent on Monday, when he attempted to deposit Rwf500,000 to his mobile money account.

Police say upon receiving the fake notes, the agent became suspicious and alerted officers in the area, who immediately arrested Mbarushimana.

The Police Spokesperson for Central Region, Modeste Mbabazi, said officers requested a nearby bank branch to ascertain the nature of the currency notes and it was confirmed that they were counterfeits.

Mbarushimana is currently held at Remera Police Station as investigations continue.

"The notes were in Rwf2,000 denominations. The mobile money agent acted fast, otherwise, that would have been a terrible loss for him to make in a day,” Mbabazi said.

"Making or passing on counterfeit notes is a criminal offence. RNP takes counterfeiting seriously and works with the public to crack down on criminal rings that make counterfeits in society.”

He said mobile money agents, forex exchange bureaus, restaurants and other entities that deal with direct money flows are usually targeted by counterfeit distributors, and urged them to work with Police and other law enforcers to monitor and respond to counterfeiting activity.