Teachers need to feel appreciated

Editor, RE: “Did we take the wrong turn on this education road?” (The New Times, September 20).

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


RE: "Did we take the wrong turn on this education road?” (The New Times, September 20).

This is a very thought provoking article – pretty sad that all Kenyan schools have to suffer the consequences of this problem at this time.

Worldwide, there is a disregard for the importance of extraordinary or capable teachers. Bachelor’s degrees do not guarantee good teachers and lack of one does not confirm the assumption that a teacher is bad.

The bottom line, however, is that people who feel appreciated and feel that they are a part of the overall success of a school or an organization, give "more” in terms of job expectation.

School management begins at the top. If the "head” is not right the remainder of the body is out of sync.

Rwanda needs to take an in-depth look into who is running the schools before they even get to the teachers.

Yes, it will be a process but it is worth it. One by one, schools – both national and international – must decide if they just want to be another school in the number with bad management, poor teachers and failing students or if they dare to make the necessary changes to stand apart from the rest.

Trice Dorrall