Where is the EA Standby Force?

Editor, RE: “The election fever is curable but what about the aftermath?” (The Sunday Times, September 13).

Thursday, September 17, 2015


RE: "The election fever is curable but what about the aftermath?” (The Sunday Times, September 13).

The last paragraph specifically captured my attention. Earlier this year, Rwanda and other regional countries formed what is called Eastern Africa Standby Force to deal with any armed conflict such as insurgencies, rebellions...

Now that Burundi is slowly descending into chaos, I am wondering whether the Standby Force is closely watching the situation and ready to go in should the situation deteriorate further.

I keep asking myself whether that force has a clear mandate specifying in which situation they can intervene and which ones are outside its mandate.

All we heard is that they are ready to deal with any chaos on the continent. So far, I have not heard any statement coming from that group.

Let’s wait and see.
