We don't need GMOs

Editor, RE: “EAC needs to take a stand on GMOs” (The New Times, September 14). Those pushing for these veritable Frankenstein wares are extremely well funded and can buy scientists, regulators and entire officialdom.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


RE: "EAC needs to take a stand on GMOs” (The New Times, September 14).

Those pushing for these veritable Frankenstein wares are extremely well funded and can buy scientists, regulators and entire officialdom.

In countries where corruption is rampant I have no doubt societies will be easy prey to these chemical products masquerading as food.

All I can say is, Good luck to the Kenyans! Luck may eventually not be enough for them though. This is a matter of greed overcoming good sense and our God-given instincts for self-preservation.

Mwene Kalinda