Early detection of talent critical

Editor, RE: “Meet Shingiro, the 15-year-old multi-talented student” (The New Times, September 12).

Monday, September 14, 2015


RE: "Meet Shingiro, the 15-year-old multi-talented student” (The New Times, September 12).

"Romeo is quiet, calm and disciplined. I like the way he balances drawing and academics. Others get lost and forget the academic side of it. Romeo is able to balance it well. In class, he is in class...”

I like this man! He has not succumbed to dictates of history where geography or history is academic and art becomes extracurricular.

Why not appeal to Rwanda Education Board and the curriculum development centre to make fine arts a principal subject?

Why not appeal to authorities in education to help schools catch up with the growing demand of early detection of talented children for easy career guidance?

A mindset shift should be now or never. School environment should be fine-tuned for this important step. Art is part of our heritage; it should be nurtured to maturity.