Make more money!

Dear editor,Rwanda is a country with great potentials especially in the agricultural sector.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dear editor,
Rwanda is a country with great potentials especially in the agricultural sector.

For farmers to realize success and get out of the vicious cycle of poverty, working together is essential.

Maximum profits can only be achieved through cooperative societies.

I know that cooperatives ease access to loans’. Other than this, they also act as collective security.

I therefore call upon all farmers to take heed and join cooperative societies. In this way, they will benefit and save money.

As the saying goes "Many heads are better than one”, working as a group is better than working alone especially in the agricultural sector. 

I believe that farmers and other business people can make more money by joining cooperative societies.

This is very important for any group of  people who share  a common goal of becoming prosperous in their businesses.