Ex-combatants receive Rwf14.5m grant from Rwandan community in Sudan

Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration commission (RDRC) has received on Friday a donation of $20,000 (approx.Rwf14.5m) from the Rwandan community based in Sudan to support ex-combatants.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration commission (RDRC) has received on Friday a donation of $20,000 (approx.Rwf14.5m) from the Rwandan community based in Sudan to support ex-combatants.

Receiving the donation from Suleiman Kalisa, the head of the Rwandan community in Sudan, the RDRC head, Jean Sayinzoga, said that the monies would improve the livelihoods of ex-combatants.

"We will do our best to generate sustainable income generating activities from this donation so that ex-combatants can benefit from it”, Sayinzoga promised.

Brig. Gen Ferdinand Safari, who returned to Rwanda two weeks ago after serving in UNAMID (The United Nations–African Union Mission in Darfur), said that those able to work had the responsibility to assist those unable to.

"Some ex-combatants do not have the means to go to foreign missions as we do. Those who get the chance to travel and work in Sudan and establishing even establish businesses should use some of the profits made to support those who fought and got disabled for the country”, Safari said.

According to Suleiman Kalisa, this is the second such donation the 4,000 member Rwandan community in Sudan, which includes civilians, police and army units, provided to RDRC. Last year they donated $78,000 (approximately Rwf 56m).

"This donation is meant to provide assistance to those who sacrificed so much for this country. They left their families and jobs to fight for their country. As the country develops in terms of economy and security, this development must be inclusive”, he said.

The RDRC supports ex-combatants by, among others, providing health treatment, vocational trainings, supporting cooperatives and income generating activities.