All the best to the new envoys

Editor, RE: “Cabinet names new envoys” (The New Times, September 10).

Friday, September 11, 2015


RE: "Cabinet names new envoys” (The New Times, September 10).

Congratulations to all new envoys with special recognition to Olivier Nduhungirehe, another proud son of Rwanda I was privileged to meet and briefly interact with in Addis (before he departed to New York).

And always thanks to President Kagame for his continued commitment, strong support and institutionalized policy of gender equality including and most notably in the appointments at senior positions in government.



What could be interesting on a Thursday morning than to read about the statement from the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, wherein four officials were named ambassadors of this great land of a thousand hills?

Please allow me, through your newspaper, to bid "au revoir” to Amb. Yamina Karitanyi, whom I have known ever since she took over as Head of  the Tourism and Conservation Department of Rwanda Development Board and was then elevated as Chief Tourism Officer.

The creation of a new post Chief Tourism Officer does send a clear signal of the importance that is attached to this vital sector of the Rwandan economy—one that is bringing in the highest quantum of foreign exchange for the country.

It was way back in 2007, while in London on a cold November evening, that I had my first ever interaction with the people of Rwanda. The then Director General of RIEPA was Williams Nukurunziza (now Rwanda’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom) and of course there was also the charismatic Bernard Makuza, the then Prime Minister.

That initial encounter prompted me to visit this great nation and attend the 1st EAC Investment Conference eight months later in 2008. And so began my engagement with a country for which I have a great passion and which I proudly call my "second home”.

I wish Amb. Karitanyi every success in her new assignment.

There was never a visit to Kigali that was complete without meeting the ever smiling Tumukunde Gasatura, the Vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs, City of Kigali.     

She did visit India recently, but not the business capital of Mumbai. However, we did keep in touch over phone. Now that Tumukunde will be moving to Addis Ababa, it would be wonderful to muster her support and get businessmen and investors from Ethiopia for our next edition of Rwanda Calling.

I wish her every success as Ambassador of Rwanda to Ethiopia.

Clarence Fernandes, Mumbai, India