Teachers, students visit Murambi Memorial Site

WESTERN PROVINCE NYAMASHEKE — A group of 80 residents among them teachers from Bushekeli sector in Nyamasheke district, on Monday,visited Murambi Genocide Memorial site in Nyamagabe district.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


NYAMASHEKE — A group of 80 residents among them teachers from Bushekeli sector in Nyamasheke district, on Monday,visited Murambi Genocide Memorial site in Nyamagabe district.

The group included primary and secondary teachers, representatives of parents and students in the sector and various sector officials. They donated Frw90, 000 to the site.   

While addressing his colleagues at the memorial site, Eloi Munyankindi, the Executive Secretary of Bushekeli Sector, urged them to always reflect on what happened during the 1994 genocide in order to draw lessons from it.

Munyankindi encouraged the group to fight against genocide ideology, racial and ethnic divisionism and to cultivate love among one another in order to promote peace, unity and reconciliation in the region.

"All of you as my fellow residents from Bushekeli who came here at Murambi genocide memorial site have seen by your own eyes the ways how our beloved Rwandans were massacred particularly here in Murambi areas.

So, I call upon you to go back and sensitise all residents in your respective localities against genocide ideology,” he said.

He further told them to encourage genocide survivors not to be overcome by bitter memories but to instead work hard in order to improve their living standards.

Francis Ngiruwonsanga, the head of the memorial site castigated France for their role in the 1994 Rwanda Genocide.
