Woman batters husband

A woman in Gisozi, Gasabo District, has been arrested for allegedly brutally battering her husband. Claudine Nyiraminani, 24, who was detained at Gisozi Police Station, is accused of assaulting her husband, Emmanuel Ntahomvukiye, 30, yesterday.

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

A woman in Gisozi, Gasabo District, has been arrested for allegedly brutally battering her husband. 

Claudine Nyiraminani, 24, who was detained at Gisozi Police Station, is accused of assaulting her husband, Emmanuel Ntahomvukiye, 30, yesterday.

Ntahomvukiye, who sustained serious injuries on the head, was taken to Kacyiru Police Hospital where he was getting treatment.

Richard Iyaremye, the acting Police spokesperson for the central region, said the incident could have been influenced by drunkenness.

"Preliminary investigations indicate that the husband returned home very late and drunk, and had an argument with the wife and this prompted her to pounce on him with a bottle, leaving him unconscious,” Iyaremye said.

"Most domestic related crimes, especially between couples, are due to excessive drinking, property disputes and family negligence. But, these misunderstandings, there is no reason for one to take matters in their own hands.

"There are many places where grievances can be channeled instead, including local leaders and Abunzi (mediators).”
