Still waiting for discussion forums

I am one of the regular readers of The New Times online edition being away from home.

Monday, September 24, 2007

I am one of the regular readers of The New Times online edition being away from home.

I must commend the site, it looks good, better than what was on before.

The problem we have though is we hardly spend time on the site because there nothing much to keep us there. 

One of the readers requested for a chat room and the answer was that the newspaper sites do not have chat rooms but rather forums.

We have waited for those forums you talked about in vain.

Can you please do something about it? If you look at the other News sites, they do have discussion forum where people express their views.

Just reading what news is telling us and not hearing from us is not good.

How are we supposed to communicate back? It’s through such forums.

Please help us discuss what we have in mind. Voting on the polls is not enough. We want something interactive.

Thank you so much.
