Looking back to just yesterday I cant stop but wonder

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Looking back to just yesterday

I cant stop but wonder

If there were words I should have said,

but its just a feeling left to contemplate 

thanks to nature for its tender mercy

that I still have my precious memories

because back here

in my secret world

little moments were created


There was no use to picture tommorrow

No blueprints for what would lie ahead.

It was so clear that you were my all

all you had to do was to

take the wheel and drive down

my life’s pathways.


Yes I should have

I bet I took that time for granted

Because I was scared of embarrasement

I couldn’t imagine what you’d say to me

But may be I should have opened up

And given myself a chance of

Enjoying simple pleasures


But the only guts I had were

To stand in my window

Where you couldn’t see me

and watch you pass by

Oh I built our castles in my mind

While I watched you take up another

My fear became my own hate


I know it’s just an imagination

You will probably never think of me

I bet it has never crossed your mind

That I might be the one

But meeting with you brought 

Me back to life


I will take those precious memories

And frame them with my love,

Then hang them in the hallways of my heart.

I hope the fond remembrance

Of the joys that I wished we shared

Will overcome the wish that I had you in my life


I realise you were just in my dream

Oh my perfect one

I wish it wasn’t or I never woke up

Because having you in my dream gave me

Little moments to live for


Angel Phionah Ampurire is a law student at the University of Rwanda