Kenya’s sugar feud driven by self-interest

Editor, RE: “Trade experts slam Kenya-Uganda sugar deal feud” (The New Times, September 3).

Monday, September 07, 2015


RE: "Trade experts slam Kenya-Uganda sugar deal feud” (The New Times, September 3).

Raila Odinga, de-facto "hereditary” leader of Kenya’s political oppositionism (having inherited the role from his father Jaramogi) would be more convincing on this sugar issue if he didn’t have a blatant conflict of interest in the matter through his ownership of the Kisumu Molasses Factory.

Apparently, however, Mr Odinga lacks a sufficient sense of political ethics to understand he shouldn’t be conducting his oppositionist role with his own business and financial interests firmly in mind.

The rest of us need to point this out with the hope he might eventually grasp the fact politics shouldn’t be about his promoting his fellow citizens’ general welfare, not about his own self-enrichment.
