Not just a piece of the pie

Our lives are deeply rich with experiences, complex histories, and self-knowledge,which impact ourlevel of wellbeing. Using the Integrative Health and Wellness Assessment, you can explore the vast landscape of your life and determine how each piece directly contributes to your overall health experience.

Sunday, September 06, 2015
Billy Rosa

Our lives are deeply rich with experiences, complex histories, and self-knowledge,which impact ourlevel of wellbeing. Using the Integrative Health and Wellness Assessment, you can explore the vast landscape of your life and determine how each piece directly contributes to your overall health experience. 

Life Balance/Satisfaction. You deserve to be satisfied with your life! Getting 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night, balancing energy between work, friends, family, and personal time, and committing to a daily wellness practice are all components of greater satisfaction. Our lives require attention and maintenance if they are to remain balanced and enjoyable.

Relationships. All of life is about relationship. Try to think of one circumstance where you exist outside of a relationship… you don’t. You are always relating to another person, yourself, a higher power, etc. It is important that we are fully expressed about our needs and desires within our relationships and that we can say "no” to others without feeling guilty. It is vital to identify people you can trust and ask for support when needed.

Spiritual. Spirituality is different from religion. Religious practices can be a reaffirming part of living a spiritually informed life, but here, spirituality is about feeling connected to a force greater than yourself and believing that your life has value and meaning. Do you make time for prayer, self-reflection, and/or meditation?

Mental. Setting realistic goals and being able to ask for help when you need it can aid you instaying mentally grounded. Stay present to events as they unfold and try your best to accept circumstances and situations as they are. Grasping to change and control that which can’t be changed or controlled is a waste of precious energy.

Emotional. So much of our wellbeing arises from being able to identify and feel our emotions deeply while also respecting the emotions of others. Create space for emotions to be expressed in a respectful way. Encourage honesty and integrity while discussing emotional experiences. Learning to practice forgiveness strengthens one’s emotional capacity for healing and love.

Physical/Nutrition. Drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day and eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily is a great start. Consume less processed food and reach for more whole foods like beans and nuts.

Physical/Exercise. Aerobic exercise for 20-30 minutes at least three times per week will boost energy and endurance. Be sure to integrate strengthening and stretching exercises as well for optimal physical health.

Environment. Are you aware of how your home and work environments affect how you feel? Observe how too much sound, harsh lighting, or secondhand smoke impacts you and your sense of vitality.

Health Responsibility. You are key to your wellbeing. Receive an annual physical exam and be sure you know your blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol, and glucose. Ask about your risk factors for disease and review the plan of care with your provider. Own your health.

Health and wellbeing stem from an experience of wholeness… not just a piece of the pie.

Billy Rosa is a Registered Nurse, Integrative Nurse Coach