Children, respect God’s house

Once upon a time in the country of Ephraim lived a man called Eli. He had a wife who gave birth to three sons named Elisha, Elvis and Edmond.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Once upon a time in the country of Ephraim lived a man called Eli. He had a wife who gave birth to three sons named Elisha, Elvis and Edmond.

Although Eli was a God fearing man and raised his children with good manners, they were completely different from their father as they grew.

As a priest of God’s Holy temple, Eli made sure that his sons respect God’s Word and serve in the temple. However, all the three boys instead, used the church offerings to meet their own needs and always disturbed the people who had come to church to pray.

Instead of focusing on what the preachers taught, the boys would only play and steal property that belongs to other people. They never listened to their father’s advice at all!

As years passed by, their father grew old and could no longer perform his duties at church. One day Eli whose eyes were also becoming so weak that he could barely see was lying down on a mat and an angel visited him.

The angel said that God was very angry with the way Elisha, Elvis and Edmond disrespected the church. God therefore ordered that another priest should take over and that these sons of Eli be punished for their bad behavior.

The boys were sent away from the church and a well behaved boy called Seth was instead promoted as a church helper.

As a result of having no church to do work and also since no body liked them, The three brothers were always on the move, looking for what to eat. Up to today, no one knows what happened to them thereafter.

The Big Lesson
Children should always respect God’s house because if you disturb people who are communicating to God (Praying), you are definitely limiting your chances of working for God’s church. Also it is important to listen carefully and do as our parents say.
