Much More

This is Part 5 of “More than she could ever imagine”, a series about an African Christian Hero called Adhiambo. Her life changed when she stopped helping her friend to steal and found joy in teaching children about Jesus and God’s love.

Monday, October 13, 2008

This is Part 5 of "More than she could ever imagine”, a series about an African Christian Hero called Adhiambo. Her life changed when she stopped helping her friend to steal and found joy in teaching children about Jesus and God’s love.

After high school, Adhiambo lived at home for two years and attended college. That meant listening again to the stepmothers’ cruel remarks. "You can’t do anything right. You’ll never be anybody.”

Whenever she heard those words she felt like crawling into a hole in the ground. How could she ever serve God?

One weekend Adhiambo attended a large children’s meeting. The teacher gave a lesson in the form of a play to the children but God also spoke to Adhiambo’s heart.

Teacher: Tom will you take this broom and sweep up all the torn paper on the floor? I’ll give you two dollars for doing this.

Tom: Oh, wow! Sure, teacher, I’ll do it.

Teacher: Thank you Tom. Now, how much do you want me to give you?

Tom: Ten Dollars!

Teacher: Here Tom, I am giving you 20 dollars!

Tom: I never could have imagined I would receive this much! Now I can get the bicycle I need!”

Teacher: Boys and girls, this story reminds me of God’s promise in Ephesians 3:20, "God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask and or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”

Sometimes we just ask a little bit of what we need, but God is able to give us all we need.

"More than I could ask or imagine!” Adhiambo repeated out loud. "God will make me a teacher! He will take care of me even more than I could imagine!”

She had learned one of the most important lessons of the Christian life and she never ever forgot it!

To be continued…

Adapted from Teach Kids