It is time to commercialise research

Editor, RE: “University of Rwanda moves to prioritise research” (The New Times, August 26).

Thursday, August 27, 2015


RE: "University of Rwanda moves to prioritise research” (The New Times, August 26).

Senior researchers should take the lead by being active in the field to give opportunity to students (would-be researchers) who are eager and willing to build their career in research.

We have a good number of PhD's in the country so far; with all these officials mentioned in this article, one may need to ask: what is their personal contribution on research in a country in which the top leadership has created every opportunity to any kind development?

In the developed world, a PhD is more of a profession and a business where you find a PhD holder busy creating jobs by recruiting junior researchers in his research activities and at the same time providing opportunities for these junior researchers to advance their academic careers.

In my opinion, universities should take the lead in being more innovative to creating the environment where research is seen as a business which will be a catalyst for more research development.

Science laboratories in the country should start marketing themselves for the services they offer to attract entrepreneurs in the field of scientific/quantitative research.
