Africans need to make themselves invulnerable to those who wield power

Editor, RE: “Rwanda must not give up the quest for justice” (The New Times, August 21).

Monday, August 24, 2015


RE: "Rwanda must not give up the quest for justice” (The New Times, August 21).

Let this be a continuing reminder that many European countries are a safe haven to the suspects of the Genocide against the Tutsi. Every time any of them open their mouths to lecture about campaigns against genocide and war crimes, human rights and the so-called Right2Protect, yes, do note that what they really mean is the rights of génocidaires, and the Right2Protect génocidaires, not their victims.

Beyond that, why would we expect France, an unindicted accomplice in the crime of those same génocidaires, to put to trial suspects for the crime in which it itself played an active role? The real question is, knowing all that, why did the ICTR refer the case to a country they knew could never really deliver justice in this regard given its active role in the crime for which the suspect was to arraign before the court?

The world we live in is truly very strange. Or, perhaps not; it is a question of power makes right. It is a lesson we all, Africans and Rwandans, in particular, should have learnt by now. Not just learn, but make ourselves invulnerable to those who wield power as a stick with which to constantly beat us as and when they wish.

Mwene Kalinda