IMPRESSIONS: The Big Bang….and nobody cares

It all happened recently and nobody seemed to care, apart from me and other life-loving fellows, but we were not as many to divert the attention of the world from its current problems.

Monday, October 13, 2008

It all happened recently and nobody seemed to care, apart from me and other life-loving fellows, but we were not as many to divert the attention of the world from its current problems.

Here is what happened: While the rest of the world was worried about economies crumbling, the credit crunch and weather calamities, some 7,000 science ‘fanatics’ were seating somewhere near the border of France and Switzerland trying to carry out the ‘Big Bang’ experiment, one that would discover how the earth came to exist 15 billion years ago.

They never cared that the 4.4 billion pounds spent on the project could be pumped into the fast collapsing; all they wanted to know was how the earth was formed.

For starters, the LHC was built by the European Organisation of Nuclear Research (CERN) and its by far the largest and most expensive human experiment carried out and its purpose was to fire beams in opposing directions and then at a later moment, make them collide, creating the ‘big bang’.

Scientists would be able to observe and hypothesize the ‘Higgs Boson’ particle which is the last thing seen before the universe was formed…don’t ask me who was there to see.

Well, who cares? None of us was asked to meet the bill but what worried me in my conscious and non-conscious state, is the fact that the experiment to be carried out by these ‘heartless’ and ‘selfish’ science maniacs had the capacity to create black holes, which would eventually swallow me and you into oblivion, never to surface on the face of earth again.

The black hole is a region in space which has gravitation force so powerful that it literally swallows everything that comes into its path into non-existence. It has swallowed stars, meteors, debris from space; it even swallows light itself, so there is no way we could survive in there.

I was watching CNN a few days to the launch of the LHC and I saw the mighty power of a black hole. At first, I thought of asking my boss for some time off to prepare for life in eternity but then I decided to just go and say buy to my workmates.

To my surprise, everybody on the streets was minding their own business like they hadn’t hard the bad news. I was asking myself, do these people watch TV back home or listen to news? Or should it be that nobody cares about life anymore?

Puzzled, I thought I was dreaming. I walked into office and I read on the net that the experiment had been given a green light because it couldn’t produce black holes, even if it did, they would be so small and last for microseconds…….not enough to suck us into eternity. I sighed with relief.