Implement master plans with people’s concerns in mind

Editor, RE: “Kicukiro District in security, hygiene campaign” (The New Times, August 20).

Friday, August 21, 2015


RE: "Kicukiro District in security, hygiene campaign” (The New Times, August 20).

Kicukiro District and City of Kigali authorities should fix City Master Plan related issues. The example in mind touches on people settled along a stretch of land bordering Kigali International Airport in Nyarugunga and other areas in Kanombe.

The people are calling for "justice” and "fair treatment”. Compensate them so that they find alternative places to settle instead of doing it 10 or 20 years later.

As concerned and upright citizens, we obey the law and go to the extent of paying prohibitive annual land rates/taxes for the land, knowing ultimately that it will not be developed and eventually will get a token expropriation rate per square metre on "eviction”.

What insecurity is greater than what I just described? What is hygiene to the affected citizens? The District and City authorities should wake up and address real issues.

The City Master Plan should, in the first place, have had mitigating factors, including a budget to cater for people affected during implementation. Otherwise, it is no plan at all.
