Akilah graduation in pictures

Last Friday, 45 students of Akilah Institute for Women were awarded diplomas in various three-year courses. Of these, 16 obtained diplomas in hospitality, while 29 graduated in entrepreneurship.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Lecturers pose for a photo with Dave and Elizabeth Hughes, the founders of Akilah Institute.

Last Friday, 45 students of Akilah Institute for Women were awarded diplomas in various three-year courses. Of these, 16 obtained diplomas in hospitality, while 29 graduated in entrepreneurship.

The function was attended by various officials such as Workforce Development Authority’s director general Jerome Gasana, who was the guest of honour; Dave &Elizabeth Hughes, the founders of the institute; Solange Umulisa, the country director of Akilah; and Lisa Doherty, the academic director of the Institute, among others.

Akillah Institute’s operations in Rwanda started five years ago, with a focus on women empowerment. Enrollment has since grown to 320 up from 50 students in 2010.

Workforce Development Authorty director-general Jerome Gasana, who was the guest of honour, delivers his speech on Friday.
A graduand is congratulated upon receiving her certificate.
A musician and her group entertain guests. (All photos by Solomon Asaba)
The graduates could not hide their excitement.