Two arrested over forgery of health insurance documents

Two employees of Ngenda Health Centre in Nyamagabe District were last week arrested for allegedly forging and issuing health insurance (Mutuelle de Sante) receipts.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Two employees of Ngenda Health Centre in Nyamagabe District were last week arrested for allegedly forging and issuing health insurance (Mutuelle de Sante) receipts. 

David Munyabarame and Sonia Tuyisenge were arrested on August 13 following information provided by one of the victims.

By press time, the suspects were detained at Musange Police Station as investigations continue.

The suspects were allegedly soliciting money from people and issuing them with forged receipts.

At the time of their arrest, they had conned people of Rwf165,500 by issuing them with forged receipts, Police said.

Southern Region Police Spokesperson Hubert Gashagaza said the two were arrested red-handed in the process of issuing similar forged receipts after Police trailed them following a report on their illegal practice.

The suspects, who confessed to the crime, said that they already issued forged receipts to sick families, but begged to be pardoned reasoning that they will refund the victims.

"It’s very disturbing for the people who should be protecting the interests of patients to be the same people issuing forged documents to them,” Gashagaza said.

He appealed to the public to always verify documents given to them and be quick to report in case they sense anything messy.

Under Article 611 of the Penal Code, a public servant or any person in charge of public service who counterfeits a document in the exercise of their duty, is liable to a term of imprisonment of seven to 10 years and/ or a fine of between Rwf500,000 and Rwf5 million.