Bank manager, five others held over Rwf24m theft

Police have arrested six people alleged to have stolen from a Bank Populaire du Rwanda branch in Rutsiro District a total of Rwf24 million in both local currency and the US Dollar.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Police have arrested six people alleged to have stolen from a Bank Populaire du Rwanda branch in Rutsiro District a total of Rwf24 million in both local currency and the US Dollar. 

The suspects, who allegedly stole Rwf23 million and $1,520, include the branch manager and a security guard at the bank.

According to Western region Police spokesperson, Theobard Kanamugire, following the robbery in the night of Saturday August 8, Police mounted investigations whose preliminary findings pointed to six suspects.

"Among the suspects we have in custody include Emmanuel Maniraguha, the branch manager, and Anastase Kavamahanga, a security guard. We linked the robbery to the suspects after searching the latter’s house and found about Rwf4 million stashed away,” said Kanamugire.

Kavamahanga, who confessed to being part of the robbery, detailed how the heist was executed, according to Police.

He said that Maniraguha left the bank on Saturday afternoon and told him that he would return to pick money and that also give him his cut.

Maniraguha allegedly returned to the bank at around 10pm with six other people, opened the doors and walked out with the money. He left the guard with about Rwf4 million.

"We learnt about these details following a phone call made by Kavamahanga to his wife asking her to use some of the money to hire a lawyer. We immediately went to his house, searched and found Rwf4 million,” Kanamugire said.

However, the bank manager, Maniraguha who is said failed to show up at work the next day after the robbery, claims he was not involved in the crime.

The six suspects, who are all in detention include three other bank staffers and another security guard.