Two arrested over abortion

WESTERN PROVINCE NYAMASHEKE — Police in Kagano, Nyamasheke district are holding two women on charges of committing abortion.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


NYAMASHEKE — Police in Kagano, Nyamasheke district are holding two women on charges of committing abortion.

Prudence Nyiranshimimana and her neighbour Agnes Nyiramutarutwa a 43 year old were arrested separately on Saturday, October 11 at their homes in Kagano.

According to a police sources at Kagano Police station, Nyiranshimimana allegedly aborted a 5-month baby using traditional herbs which she was given by her neighbour, Nyiramutarutwa.

"We arrested Nyiranshimimana after being tipped by our informers she had carried out an abortion because she was 5 months pregnant.

She later told us that Nyiramutarutwa is the one who gave her the herbs which removed the baby and she is also here in detention,” a police official who preferred anonymity said.

Talking to The New Times, at the police post, Nyiranshimimana denied the charges, saying that it was a miscarriage prompted by severe stomach-ache.

"Yes it’s true that I produced a dead immature baby of five months old, but it was not an abortion as police authorities accuse me. I think this may have been caused by serious stomach-aches that I faced since August this year after failing to get money for medication in time,” she said.

Her co-accused, Nyiramutarutwa also, admitted giving her the herbs but denied they were meant to aid abortion.  She claimed she has always given pregnant women in the area traditional medicine.   
