Revenue authority seeks to recover Rwf62bn in tax arrears

The Rwanda Revenue Authority has stepped up its crackdown on tax defaulters in a bid to recover Rwf62 billion in tax arrears. During yesterday’s operation, several businesses were closed down in different parts of the City of Kigali.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Rwanda Revenue Authority has stepped up its crackdown on tax defaulters in a bid to recover Rwf62 billion in tax arrears.

During yesterday’s operation, several businesses were closed down in different parts of the City of Kigali.

Speaking to the media, Aimable Kayigi, the commissioner in charge of domestic taxes at RRA, said the crackdown targets to recover Rwf62 billion tax arrears from more than 4,000 businesses across the country.

The first round of crackdown targets about 50 businesses, he said.

"We have responsibility to collect taxes and pursue those who delay to make payment. If they do not pay their outstanding tax arrears, we will seize and auction their property to recover taxes. Rwanda Revenue Authority has a target of at least Rwf900 billion every year and this calls for vigilance in collections,” Kayigi said.

He added that out of Rwf62 billion tax arrears, only Rwf8 billion has been recovered.

"We have had several negotiations with defaulters and given them payment modes but they never respected the deal. So the next step is to stop their activities until the issues are sorted,” Kayigi said.

Among the defaulters include a bakery in Kimihurura Sector and two media houses, one supposed to pay about Rwf400 million in taxes and penalties accumulated over a period of six years.

The owners said they would appeal the decision.

Some of the defaulters were also found not to be using electronic billing machines.