National Electoral body to award Western Province on voter turn-out

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI— The National Electoral Commission (NEC), will this week on Friday award the Western Province for the voter turn out in last months’ elections, an official from the province headquarters has said.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


KARONGI— The National Electoral Commission (NEC), will this week on Friday award the Western Province for the voter turn out in last months’ elections, an official from the province headquarters has said.

"Yes, they will be here on Friday to present to the Provincial officials an award,” Innocent Nsengiyunva, the Western Province Public Relations and Communications Officer confirmed last Friday, without disclosing the type of award.

Nsengiyunva added that NEC will be commending the Province for the successful organisation of the elections.

"Parliamentary elections were successfully completed at all polling stations. I think we very much deserve that appreciation from the electoral commission like it did in other provinces,” Nsengiyunva said.

Western Province came among the top with the highest voter turn out in the election. According to Nsengiyunva, the area registered above 95 per cent .

Present at the function will be Province officials and Districts dignitaries, among others.

Kigali city registered highest voter turn out followed by the Eastern Province.
