Curtains sway thunders roared lightning struck

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Curtains sway

thunders roared

lightning struck

the heavy winds carried him to my crib

and in the dark there he stood facing me


what a filthy scare he gave

he wasnt a beauty to my eyes

I crawed out but his bonny hands

reached out for me

squeasing every breath that I had out

i could hardly hear my scream


was he a messenger?

who knows what he carried with him

in that black gown

but whoever he was,

he was determined to follow me over


losing sight of him

was not an option

he walked through my thoughts

and he filled my mind with his face


I encountered him on various occasions

the beginning was when I was three months old

then was at the age of 18 when I saw him swing his familiar gown

across the street

from where I was watching an accident I had just survived

I barely had a memory of him

but he is one man that no one can fail not recognise


and now he follows me

but my ministering Angels steal

me out of his sight

he never gives up he still finds his way back to me


now I worry

about every hiccup I get

thinking that his day has come

when he finally

manages to drop his mail in my mail box

and complete the mission

oh what a terror a thought of him brings


but I keep telling myself

don’t worry

the courageous ones prevail over him

and a new day will always come

Angel Phionah Ampurire is a law student at the University of Rwanda