Last batch of RDF medics depart for CAR mission

A contingent of 51 Rwanda Defence Forces medical personnel, yesterday, departed for Central Africa Republic. The contingent is a final medical team of the RDF Level Two Hospital deployment in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA).

Monday, August 10, 2015
RDF medical personnel depart for CAR from Kigali International Airport yesterday. (Courtesy)

A contingent of 51 Rwanda Defence Forces medical personnel, yesterday, departed for Central Africa Republic.

The contingent is a final medical team of the RDF Level Two Hospital deployment in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA).

They are joining another batch of 19 colleagues that arrived in Bangui two months ago. 

The first medical team, with equipment, armoured ambulances and other soft skin vehicles serving in the peacekeeping missions, left Kigali to Central African Republic on January 20.

"Today’s deployment of Level Two hospital in UN Peacekeeping Mission is another milestone in RDF’s contribution to the international peace and security,” Brig Gen Joseph Nzabamwita, the defence and military spokesperson, said in a statement.

"A contingent of 70 medical staff led by Lt Col Dr King Kayondo for Level Two Hospital today completes deployment of RDF medical personnel where they join other (members of the) Rwandan Contingent in MINUSCA, in Central African Republic.”

Briefing the contingent earlier on Sunday at RDF General Headquarters, Kanombe, the Army Chief of Staff, Maj Gen Frank Mushyo Kamanzi, urged the RDF medics to deliver excellent medical services in the Mission.

"We are counting on your competences and have no doubt that you will deliver the needed services. Bear in mind that you are representing Rwanda, keep up the good image of our country by exercising maximum discipline as this is a culture in RDF,” he said. 

Gen Kamanzi advised them to seek new lessons and experiences that will guide RDF in other future deployments. 

He also called on the medics to preserve good conduct and keep good relationship with other staff from different countries that they will be working together.

RDF Level Two Hospital deployment is based in Bria town, Sector East of MINUSCA deployment, about 550 kilometres from the capital Bangui.

Under the UN standards, Level Two Hospital should have the capacity to treat up to 40 ambulatory out-patients per day, provide three intensive care beds, stabilise and evacuate a casualty to the next level of medical care, among others.

Rwanda maintains an Infantry Battalion of 750 troops, 32 Staff Officers and Formed Police Unit of 139 police and 26 Individual Police officers in MINUSCA charged with, among others, guarding and escorting the Head of State and President of the Senate, and other VIPs.