EAC integration is on the right course, says President Kenyatta

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has described the East African Community (EAC) as a great African dream that is fast becoming a reality.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has described the East African Community (EAC) as a great African dream that is fast becoming a reality.

Uhuru made the remarks, yesterday, while addressing the Ugandan parliament during his three-day state visit to the country.

"It is the fastest integrating region in Africa, and one of the fastest in the world. Our Northern Corridor Integration projects have led the way,” Kenyatta told the House.

"One example is the Standard Gauge Railway, whose construction, starting in Mombasa, is progressing on schedule.  Upon its completion, it will dramatically reduce cargo transport costs by 60 per cent, to the benefit of Ugandan businesses, farmers and consumers alike.”

The Northern Corridor is the transport network that links the landlocked countries of Uganda, Rwanda, South Sudan and Burundi to Kenya’s Maritime Port of Mombasa.

Kenyatta’s visit was dominated by bilateral talks on trade, regional security and the ambitious infrastructural projects under the Northern Corridor that the two countries share.

He said his country   is   expanding   the   port   of Mombasa   and   taking      steps   to   rapidly improve its efficiency.

"We are also going ahead with the development   of   the   LAPSSET   project,  which   will   offer   the   region   yet   another world-class outlet for its goods,” he added.