Five injured RDF peacekeepers evacuated to Uganda

Five of the eight injured Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) peacekeepers who sustained injuries in Bangui in Central African Republic on Saturday were, yesterday, evacuated to Uganda for further treatment.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Five of the eight injured Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) peacekeepers who sustained injuries in Bangui in Central African Republic on Saturday were, yesterday, evacuated to Uganda for further treatment.

"Five out of the eight injured peacekeepers were today (yesterday) evacuated to Nakasero Hospital in Kampala, Uganda, a UN level three hospital, for further treatment. Three other soldiers who did not incur serious injuries continue to receive medical treatment at the MINUSCA level two hospital in Bangui,” said Brigadier General Joseph Nzabamwita, the Defence and Military Spokesperson.

The peacekeepers were injured during the unfortunate incident where one of the RDF soldiers serving in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) shot dead four RDF soldiers.

The RDF engaged the assailant soldier, killing him and saving the lives of other RDF peacekeepers.

"It is the first such incident ever in our Forces,” said Brigadier General Nzabamwita.

The statement said investigations so far point towards terrorism to be the motive behind the deplorable act.