Invest in Agriculture – ministers urge

GASABO - Minister for Agriculture Christophe Bazivamo, together with the Minister of Natural Resources, Stanislaus Kamanzi yesterday called upon Rwandans to involve themselves more in agriculture which will boost development.  This was at Telecom House during a meeting organised by the ministries in conjunction with the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and Rwanda Agriculture Development Authority (RADA) in preparation for the 2008 World Food Day.    

Sunday, October 12, 2008
INVEST IN AGRICULTURE:  (L-R) Stanislas Kamanzi , Christophe Bazivamo and RADAu2019s Patrice Hakizimana at press conferece yesterday. ( Photo/ G.Barya) INVEST IN AGRICULTURE:  (L-R) Stanislas Kamanzi , Christophe Bazivamo and RADAu2019s Patrice Hakizimana at press conferece yesterday. ( Photo/ G.Barya)
INVEST IN AGRICULTURE: (L-R) Stanislas Kamanzi , Christophe Bazivamo and RADAu2019s Patrice Hakizimana at press conferece yesterday. ( Photo/ G.Barya)

GASABO - Minister for Agriculture Christophe Bazivamo, together with the Minister of Natural Resources, Stanislaus Kamanzi yesterday called upon Rwandans to involve themselves more in agriculture which will boost development. 

This was at Telecom House during a meeting organised by the ministries in conjunction with the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and Rwanda Agriculture Development Authority (RADA) in preparation for the 2008 World Food Day.    

The event, whose aim is to highlight the plight of poverty and food insecurity in Rwanda and globally, will be held in Nyabihu District on October 16 and will be one of the ways of sensitising Rwandans to value food security. 

"We should put in more effort in the agricultural sector to see that there is enough food for all Rwandans. More food means development, so we should engage more in crop and animal husbandry,” Bazivamo advised. 

He also urged Rwandans to invest in agriculture in order to boost their incomes and contribute to development. 

"People should get loans from banks and invest in agriculture and animal husbandry which will help them eradicate poverty,” he said.  

At the same occasion, the minister of Natural Resources Stanislaus Kamanzi advocated for the use of fertilisers and quality seeds which will improve harvests.   

The minister also called upon the use of better scientific methods in farming and to continue fighting soil erosion through terracing. 

"We should put more emphasis on fighting soil erosion because it greatly affects the productivity of food in the country,” Kamanzi urged. 

The United Nations designates October 16 of every year as World Food Day. Persistent hunger caused by poverty remains the biggest obstacle to the people’s right to food.
