Lack of climate deal could derail fight against poverty - new report

Initiatives geared at reducing global poverty could be undermined if an agreement is not reached at the forthcoming December climate meeting in Paris, France, a new report indicates.

Thursday, August 06, 2015
Climate change threatens food security and exposes communities to poverty.

Initiatives geared at reducing global poverty could be undermined if an agreement is not reached at the forthcoming December climate meeting in Paris, France, a new report indicates. 

The study, which examined possible impact of climate change on post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), was conducted by the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) in Uganda, Pakistan, Jamaica and Dominica.

It shows that efforts geared at eradicating extreme poverty, and ensuring access to safe water and energy over the next 15 years could also be undermined by lack of a climate agreement.

The findings were released recently in Kigali during a workshop attended by climate experts from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean to discuss issues related to climate finance in developing countries.

It was organised by the Rwanda Environment Management Authority and CDKN.

World governments are expected to agree on SDGs targets in September, which include commitment on low-carbon, climate resilient and financing for development to create more jobs and reduce global poverty.

The climate deal, expected to be sealed in Paris, is essential to achieving SDGs as well as reducing global warming significantly by 2100, according to the report.

The report says poverty levels are projected to rise by 80-140 per cent for the Asian and sub-Saharan Africa regions, while poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean will grow by 25 per cent over the same period.


Governments and other funders are encouraged to ensure that SDGs and associated financing deliver climate compatible development in the poorest and most climate-vulnerable countries.

The SDGs draft document entails 17 goals and 196 targets. They include the need for urgent action to combat climate change and its impact, ensuring food security and sustainable agriculture, and provision of affordable and sustainable modern energy. Others are conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources, forest management, and land and bio-diversity protection, among others.

Commenting on the report, Dr Rose Mukankomeje, the Rwanda Environment Management Authority director general, said is crucial that countries, especially the West, to support the climate deal to check growing global warming and its effects on nations.

She said the authority was preparing Rwanda’s position on the Paris climate deal, focusing on areas that impact post-2015 SDGs.

Meanwhile, the Minister for Natural Resources, Dr Vincet Biruta, said they will submit one project to get funds following the Green Climate Fund Accreditation to implement national green economy projects for sustainable development.

‘Rwanda on track’

A fortnight ago, the Ministry of Natural Resources and UNDP conducted a policy dialogue to review Rwanda’s progress on the implementation of green growth and climate resilience strategy launched in 2011.

According to Lamin M. Manneh, the UN Resident co-ordinator and UNDP representative, green economy strategies are crucial in the attainment of new global development agenda.

Manneh said Rwanda’s green economy agenda is on track. He added that this puts the country in a strong position for effective implementation of SDGs, saying it will also help Rwanda’s push for a self-reliant and sustainable economic transformation.