Refugees sensitised about gender based violence

Congolese refugees living in Gihembe camp have been undergoing a sensitisation programme about gender based violence. The programme is being carried by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in partnership with the American Refugee Council (ARC).

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Refugees learn about the effect of gender based violence. (Photo/F.Kagabo)

Congolese refugees living in Gihembe camp have been undergoing a sensitisation programme about gender based violence. The programme is being carried by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in partnership with the American Refugee Council (ARC).

The refugees from the North Kivu province of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo are being educated them about the effects of gender-based violence on the community, UNHCR field officer Jurusalem Eyob told Sunday Times.

"We have reached more than two thousand people and they are responding very well,” explained Eyob.

The programme aims at instilling esteem in women so that they speak out against violence, something which is not customary to them, the UNHCR representative explained.

"Refugees have begun to open up and speak out about gender violence,” she added.

Part of the program involves the use of film and drama to create awareness about the effects of gender violence.

According to Claudine Wiragiye, a participant in the project dubbed ‘Thru Our Eyes’, "The project is for those who live in the camp and it is by them and on their own terms”.
