Rwanda celebrates World Post Office Day

• Advised to adapt new technologies The Minister in the President’s Office in charge of Science and Technology, Romain Murenzi has warned that if post offices do not adapt new technologies they may have to close.

Friday, October 10, 2008

• Advised to adapt new technologies

The Minister in the President’s Office in charge of Science and Technology, Romain Murenzi has warned that if post offices do not adapt new technologies they may have to close.

He said this on yesterday during the World Post Office Day celebrations that took place at the Post office Headquarters.

"Technology has improved so much that it is easier and quicker to use the internet for delivery services and this has taken the work originally done by Post Offices,” Murenzi said.

He also called upon the heads of the Post Office to devise ways of reaching and extending their services to as far as cell level in all sectors.

"The post office should find ways of changing with the times and also come up with a strategic plan to make their presence felt in all sectors of each district,” he advised.

While addressing the celebrants, the Post Office Director General, Celestin Kayitare said that the Post Office is having trouble reaching everywhere in the country due to lack of facilities.

"We are still unable to extend our services to all parts of the country because it will necessitate funds for building offices in all sectors,” he said.

He, however, revealed that plans to push and boost the quality of Post Office services next year, are underway. 

"Next year, we shall put into action strategic plans and develop other projects that will improve the quality of services that we render,” Kayitare explained.

At the same occasion, the best three students, Mary Cyuzuzo, Lillian Mutoni and Diane Bamurange in the Post Office-sponsored writing competition, "Councours de composition Epistolaire 2008” , were awarded certificates, scholarships for one year and Frw 30,000; Frw 25,000 and Frw 20,000 respectively.

World Post Day is celebrated annually on the 9th October, to mark the anniversary of the establishment of the Universal Postal Union (UPU).
