MINEDUC trains school heads in ICT

Over 700 secondary school directors (headmasters) will undergo training in Information Communication Technology (ICT), courtesy of the Ministry of Education.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Over 700 secondary school directors (headmasters) will undergo training in Information Communication Technology (ICT), courtesy of the Ministry of Education.

According to the ICT Coordinator School of Management MINEDUC, Christian Karasira, the training which will be conducted in phases started last month with directors from Gasabo, Kicyukiro, and Nyarugenge, and will last until early December.

"The objective is to see that directors have capacities in ICT skills which will facilitate them in their day-to-day tasks in management,” he said.

The training is on application of ICT in financial management, administration, pedagogical management and planning.

"There is need to have constant interaction with the programmes that you are learning and when applied, it will make your work easier and more efficient,” Karasira advised the workshop participants.

Among the challenges facing this new drive of training all the directors, he mentioned lack of facilities such as computers, finding suitable training centres with accommodation for the trainees and the time factor.

"In Rwanda, we have over 700 secondary school directors. So it will take up to December to train them all. We need centres that are well-equipped with accommodation because we just have four days of training and we need all the time we can get,” he explained. 

He also told The New Times that they are not only training directors but also helping the Education Ministry to carry out a survey to identify schools that lack facilities such as electricity and computers.

"We are identifying schools that lack certain facilities because the Ministry intends to provide at least 10 computers for those schools that do not have them and alternative means for those without power,” Karasira said.

Today, over 40 directors from three districts in the Eastern Province namely Gatsibo, Nyagatare and Kirehe will complete the four-day course which was conducted in Nyamata. 
